Monday, 30 June 2008

Make your own - Playdough (Play-Do)

Make your own playdough with existing ingredients you (may)already have in the kitchen. In my opinion they are better than store bought as you control the amount of chemical, colour and fragrant to it.

The kids can help too. There are other ways of making playdough without cooking, but for me cooking them seems to make the playdough much smoother and softer.

Basic ingredient ratios:
2 cups flour
2 cups warm water
1 cup salt
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon cream of tartar (optional for improved elasticity)
Others :
food coloring (liquid or powder)
Optional :
scented oils

Mix all of the ingredients together, and stir over low heat. The dough will begin to thicken until it resembles mashed potatoes.

When the dough pulls away from the sides and clumps in the center, as shown below, remove the pan from heat and allow the dough to cool enough to handle.

IMPORTANT NOTE: if your playdough is still sticky, you simply need to cook it longer! Keep stirring and cooking until the dough is dry and feels like playdough.
Turn the dough out onto a clean counter or silicone mat, and knead vigorously until it becomes silky-smooth. Divide the dough into balls for coloring.

Make a hole in the center of the ball (it will look like a volcano), and drop some food coloring1 in. Fold the dough over, working the food color through the body of the playdough.

Work the dye through, adding more as necessary to achieve your chosen color. Store remains or extras in air tight container.

Have Fun!


Nazrah Leopolis said...

my daughter wud love this very much!

and i would have a field day cleaning up after!

elisataufik said...

I let my kids play with some flour clay that could be cured in the oven last holiday, but taufik cleaned up the store and threw them all away :P
Here's my post on it:

We're gonna make some more one of these days ... (Read: When I get bored of playing sudoku and scrabble on facebook)

Swahili said...

Nazrah - Like Elisa, I had 3 layers of papers of diffrnt sizes just so it could catch the "accidental" mess.Last layer he works on is the Ikea wrapper, the one they provide upon purchase of delicate items. in the name of recycling and doesnt leave imprint.

Elisa - I did the clay my 1st winter in Dammam, made a paperweight. This time round, wth the playdough Harris made an entire dino herd...well his own version that is

Sigma Nusantara said...

hi just dropping by 2 let u guys knowif,anyone of u are interested in revamping ur boring landscape,feel free to drop by my blog..thank u n have a nice day..

mamasita said...

Hai,Tq so much for coming over to my blog.Are you stiil staying in Doha macam dalam profile you?Hope everything is great for you there.
I remember masa my kids were small.Kuat betul diaorang main playdough.Siap dengan acuan2 and mesin.Lepastu bukan main melekit and berkecah!haha..nanti when they get married and have kids,they cannot bar their kids from playing playdough becos its so fun!Phew!