Saturday 23 February 2008

Allowance - Yes/No?

What are your experiences and views on allowances? My husband would like to start giving our 3yr old allowance since he has started Sunday school but Im against it. For now, he has “monopoly” (we make) money for his maths, understanding values and the moral of it. Anything else above that, what would the money be for? Im open as gradual move, nearing our home vacation. So as to build anticipation, purchase presents for folks back home or keepsake during our holiday.
At what age does your kid get their allowances? Do they get extra during weekends? And more for helping out with chores?

1 comment:

nie said...

Wah, 3 years... a bit young, no ? I only started giving idlan alloawance of RM1.50 when he started primary school. Ikmal, who is 5+, gets it occasionaly. I find that they don;t know how to keeo the monye, tend to leave it lying around. So I prefer to give it when they're a bit older.
Haven't started giving them money when they help out at home with the little chores....